Kitten-Gate: a walk on the wild side!

Blue-eyesOn Thursday morning we had a family outing to the vet's to give our new kitten - provisionally named Florence - the once-over. We registered her details with the receptionist, and took her in to be seen. Our vet picked her up and started the usual prodding and poking, then she looked up and said she thought the name might not be quite so appropriate as she was in fact a he!

The discovery that (s)he had taken a walk on the wide side, of course, blew our naming thoughts wide open! We spent much of the rest of the day deliberating, with the front-runners being Rocky, Hercules and Archimedes (but with some other appealing suggestions from Facebook and Twitter, such as Frankie which I rather liked!). In the end, though, the walk on the wild side brought to mind Lou Reed's song, as well as seeming to suit his emerging character.

So: meet Louie!

The fact that the name brings to mind a similarly-named song from my late teenage years only goes to prove the choice is correct!