Janathon day 7: recovery

After 3 (for me) longish runs over 3 days, I thought that perhaps a day of recovery might be sensible. (I have a little plan in mind for tomorrow, too, that would benefit from fresh legs!)

Instead of running, I have been walking to keep things going (there may have been the odd slow jog mixed in there too, once or twice). So not a great deal to report, but neither am I injured either, and my Achilles is staying soreness-free so I'm not complaining!

So, today: 2mi walking in 29:15

I thought, what with it being day 7 of Janathon, that I would tally up my work so far. I believe the picture is:

Cycling: 6.4 miles in 26 mins
Circuits: 2 hours
Running: 14.7 miles in 2:10:34
Walking: 2 miles in 29 mins
Yoga: 1.5 hours

And feeling good, to boot!