Janathon day 11: PT session then short, hilly run

A slightly late blogging of yesterday's effort... It was all over by 8:30am, and most invigorating. On Fridays I have been having morning pairs PT sessions with my friend Holger; this one was a bit different. We started with a brisk warm-up walk, then moved into 45 minutes of various activities - rowing, weights, flys, chin-ups etc. All hard work, but also highly entertaining as we in turns encourage and mock each other!

Then we were on to a new challenge... We are lucky enough to be able to train at an excellent equestrian centre owned by friends who come to our outdoor training group; at this session we finished with something a bit different - a quick cross-country loop through fields, woods and past some rather dramatic mole hills! We ran a hilly 1.3 miles, which I managed in 12:47, a time I was very happy with. I am very much looking forward to next week!

Distance run: 1.3 miles
Time spent exercising: 75 mins
Activities: circuit-type weights etc