Janathon day 16: exhaustion, not enough hours

Today I have been exhausted. Tired, after a late bedtime and waking children; physically rather achy after a few hard days; and emotionally drained with everything that is going on. While I like being busy, probably more than is sensible, right now I'm feeling the pressure of all the things going on and coming up. Janathon and general running to improve my form and feel in shape for a triathlon, practice most nights for a flute concerto in April, work, kid taxi service, our 4yo on full tantrum alert, the general juggling of family life - right now it all feels much too much. Important things - and people - are falling by the wayside, not getting the attention they deserve. And today has been proof that emotional state and diet are very closely related - and not in a good way...

Sorry for burdening you with this! I'm sure it will all feel better in the morning, after a bit of sleep.

Anyway, in addition to the usual couple of miles getting to/from the office, today I managed a walk of 1.37 miles in 20 mins at lunchtime, taking the (literally freezing) long-cut to the shops. There was neither the time nor the energy available for more, so I will leave it at that. Now, roll on Friday.

Distance: 1.37 miles walked
Time taken: 20 mins
