Janathon day 18: pairs training and errand runs

Darrell, snow-swept

Snow. Lots of it. Enough to get the kids off school, and make the journey over for today's pairs PT session interesting. Today's Janathon effort has been fun. The initial hour of pairs PT training was hard work but very entertaining, as usual, with lots of tyre-flipping, boxing and so on.

Then we did a quick run round Deepmill, a bit like the other week: looking at the time graph, I need to do some more hill work! Ouch. We had snow blowing in our faces, and Darrell our trainer did it on a bike for a change. He looked rather weather-worn by the time we got back.

The rest of the day has been mainly errand runs - getting stuff for the kids as they leave school, dropping off boots, doing a shop, dropping at scouts, picking up again ... you get the idea. It was all in snow - my first real experience of snow running. It wasn't too slippy, and traffic was very light too, so I really enjoyed it, pumping up an empty road, wrapped up warm and pumping lovely clear air through my lungs.

Adding up the totals, I was astonished to learn I've run 5.1 miles in 48:35.

PT training: 1 hour

Running: 5.1 miles in 48:35

Total time: 1:48:35

Photo-bombed by a horse at Deepmill