Janathon day 28: how does everyone fit it all in?

Given that it isn't possible to increase the number of hours in a day, I need to find new ways of fitting in the things that are important to me, and jettisoning the ones I can live without. Today I have been trying the first approach!

The day started very early with a trip to Absolute Hot Yoga in Gerrards Cross for the 6:45am yoga class, and Holger came along too. An hour and a half later I was feeling distinctly stretched and worked, and about 2 pounds lighter - that being the amount I had sweated out..! A good start.

Work was pretty full-on, so no chance to run at lunch. Instead I had a first shot at going for a run while the kids were having their piano lessons. That worked pretty well, in the end: I managed to run 4 miles in 34:20, or 8:35/mile. Given that it was dark and I was going on bumpy old roads and paths I don't know, using a head light for illumination, I'm very happy with that. It felt quite hard, but I suppose that the lack of running over the last week might have something to do with this..?

Time-wise, this works a bit better too, as it leaves the rest of the evening for stuff that needs to be done and catching up with Ellie, then sleep! Hooray!

I would love to know how everyone manages to fit all their running and fitness activity into the day without it all getting a bit much, though: this isn't something I'm very good at.

Time spent on Janathon: 2:04
Sweat dribbled: lots
Yoga moves completed: lost count
Distance run: 4 miles