Janathon day 29: plenty of variation!

Janathon was the easy bit today. A short run to/from outdoor circuits (1.49 miles in 12:36), and then our new phase of activity which is pretty cardio with sprinting, lunges against resistance, slow twitch/fast twitch and so on. Okay, it was a bit wet (read: rather miserable) and not wearing my waterproof trainers was a bad call, as I discovered when we ran through deep puddles in the car park we are using at the moment. But these are the things that make us strong! (Aren't they?)

The real ordeal was fitting in two tax returns, a trip to near Reading for work and the other usual things required in a small, busy family (hockey and brass band, anyone?) So it's too late for flute, but sleep is due imminently. At last.

Time spent on Janathon: 1 hr 12 mins

Distance run: 1.49 miles

Other activities: general circuit-type stuff

Amount rained on: quite a lot