Janathon day 31: a disparate community, a lunchtime run and a personal record

Wow, the final day 31 already - that went past like a rocket! A good, pointy, fast one, too. I came across it first through a community on Twitter; in participating, I've felt part of a group of similarly-minded people, manifested in a rather enjoyable on-line but disparate community. I still haven't actually met any other Janathoner in the flesh, for instance, but don't feel this has detracted at all. (And Saturday is rather busy, sadly!)

A field in Rickmansworth

Anyway, today worked out alright in the end. I managed to fit in a run at lunch, which was lucky as this evening's circuits was cancelled due to illness. Without any particular route in mind, I just set off to see what would happen. The answer was that I had an enjoyable, hilly-ish run around Rickmansworth, got lost a bit but got back at a reasonable time and not toooo muddy... 3.14 miles easy as pie (excuse the pun) in 28:26. The countryside was as beautiful as ever, and I ran past the Royal Masonic School, through the Chess Valley and so on, enjoying myself immensely.

A lost longboat

On the way back, I also spotted a rather unusual vehicle heading down the road, and had the impression that somehow they must have taken a wrong turn somewhere. I've seen plenty of them on the Grand Union Canal, but not so many heading up the main road towards Watford..!

Today's effort brings January's totals as follows:

Running: 52.46 miles in 7:56:52 (average 9:05/mile)
Walking: 3.37 miles in 2:56:24
Swimming: 0.56 miles in 45 mins
Bike: 6.42 miles in 26:04
Yoga: 3 hours
Circuits: 13 hours

That is the furthest I've ever run in a month, which I'm very happy about! (But I'm truly impressed by the board leader who passed 500 miles - wow!)

So - well done everyone, and thanks for being such a warm and supportive community. And thanks Cathy for coming up with the whole thing in the first place.

Next challenge: flute concerto, 27th April..! Yikes.