Juneathon day 7: weights, low carbs and foam rolling! Running again soon?

I also look forward to Fridays. My friend Holger (aka @TheHolgernator) and I head over to Deep Mill Farm, a nearby and most excellent equestrian centre, for an hour's training session, under the supervision of Darrell from Wild Training Amersham. We do something different each time: given my continuing calf woes, today we majored on strength training.

Weight rack

Darrell had bought a new toy! It is a bench rack, which makes it much easier to do eg deadlifts, weighted squats, bench presses etc. So guess what he had us doing?! If I recall correctly, after our warm-up we did:

  1. 4 sets of 10 bench presses (50kg?), interleaved with TRX suspension peck flys
  2. 4 sets of 10 weighted squats (80kg?), interleaved with TRX rows
  3. 4 sets of 10 deadlifts (70 then 80kg), interleaved with TRX overhead tricep curls

Holger's weight numbers were about double mine (he's a strong lad!) but our enjoyment was pretty equal, I believe. Then, after finishing off with some stretches, I staggered back to the car and drove us home. Hard work!

I have had an extremely low carb day; I'm guessing I've managed to keep things well under 50g of carbs, which hasn't been easy. I don't feel particularly hungry (I've been eating plenty of other food), but I do definitely feel a bit light-headed and "spaced out" as a result; I'm hoping that aspect of low carbs will reduce as my body becomes more accustomed to running off fat rather than glucose.

Finally, foam rolling was the other main activity today (since work has been a bit busy). My calves are getting better, slowly, so I'm thinking I might have a little teensy, weensy run try-out tomorrow, perhaps, to see how it goes... Wish me luck!

Janathon outcome: 1 hour of weight training, some foam rolling