Juneathon day 9: spectating at the Blenheim Triathlon (and a quick run)

After yesterday's late night, another long day. I was up at 6:30 to make breakfast, then after some quick packing we set of to pick up friends then drive on to Blenheim. Our friend Karen and Holger were both competing, starting pretty early. It felt a lot colder than when I did it last year, although I gather the water was a similar temperature.

Looks warm, doesn't it?

So on to my first Juneathon activity, which was arguably trudging around the site for a good few hours to snatch 5-second glimpses of our friends and cheer stupidly! We must have walked a good few miles in the freezing cold... Then the same in reverse to get home.

To add insult to injury, as if the day wasn't mad enough already, my 11yo has been at the Capital Summertime Ball at Wembley (lucky blighter - a school friend's parent had a spare ticket we bought, so they had a lovely day out); I was picking him up from the station at around 23:30. Seeing my chance, I managed to fit in a quick run to test out my calf while they were on the train back, dragging my tired self through 2.77 miles in 29:10.

Now I've completely had it. Night night, all!

Juneathon activity: a few hours of trudging in the cold, and running 2.77 miles in 29:10 (plus some foam rolling)