Juneathon day 14: pairs PT featuring running, weights

This morning's early PT session, following last night's late run, looks with the benefit of hindsight a bit over-enthusiastic! It was fun though; I always enjoy these sessions. Again, Holger and I trained at Deep Mill Equestrian Centre near Great Missenden, presided over by Darrell from Wild Training.

Fun. Is that the right word? It was hard work, but I think the F-word can still be applied..! We started off with some "PHA" - basically, back-to-back exercises that alternately fire your upper and lower body. In this case we alternated a half-mile sprint with boxing; about 4 minutes of each, twice.

Then it was weights we moved on to, mixing our way through sets of bench presses and squats, alternating with rounds of leg raises, ab curls, tricep curls on the suspension system, weighted arm raises etc.

I'm also continuing with the foam rolling, which is really helping with the calf; thanks for the advice, Helen!

Today's Juneathon effort: 1 hour of pairs PT, including 1.03 miles in 7:02 (and foam rolling)