Juneathon day 15: Wild training circuits, plus a little run

So it's Mrs H's yoga training day; she slogged into Town for her full-on day of yoga learning in Crouch End, and the kids and I had some time at home. We have some fantastic local teenagers for babysitting, so today one of them held the fort while I managed a thoroughly enjoyable Wild Training session, then a quick run on the way back.

Today's Wild session was run not by Darrell (who was away karting), but Pippa, who stands in occasionally. She runs a tight ship and didn't let us get away with anything; a great class combining kettle bells and rip training, in a tabata styl-ee, finishing us off in every sense with jump squats and press-ups in the same style. Thanks, Pippa, excellent work!

The run to Hervines, and "scenic route" back, meant I also managed about 3 miles running (I'll know for sure when I upload it from my watch). I was very happy with this, especially after the strong circuits.

Juneathon total: 1 hour circuits, 30 minutes ish running (about 3 miles), plenty of foam rolling