Juneathon day 24: full-on evening of circuits, running and yoga

I hadn't expected today to work out quite like this! The original plan had been just the usual Monday "piano run" while the kids had piano lessons. However, Mrs H had two excellent surprises in store. Firstly, it turned out that she wasn't going to be able to do her circuit class booking for Wild Training, so I did that as well, to be helpful..! Then, she was hoping for a willing subject for her yoga homework, and who was I to turn down such an offer?!

The yoga was made more entertaining, and longer, as a result of the rather helpful way in which our new puppy Sam wanted to join in with everything that was going on. On the plus side, most of his contribution was easily wiped up... He is getting quite good at downward dog, though!

In the end, today's Juneathon activity included: 1 hour of circuits à la TABATA; a 5.06 mile run in 47:40; and an hour of yoga. Again, foam rolling should be added to this...