Janathon day 6: open the floodgates!

So today was my first day back in the office this year (if not actually my first day of work), so I thought I would do a lunchtime run. I had a rough idea of a route, heading round the lakes at the aquadrome, and cheerfully set off in that direction. It was a lovely run, staying mostly dry and not too cold and, including a warm-up/cool-down, totalled about 3.5 miles.

Flooding on the Grand Union Canal
The route itself, as it turned out, had to be largely abandoned; the lakes, rivers and canals were all on the verge of, or actually, overflowing - as I should have guessed if I had thought about it! There was a bit of minor damage too: a canal boat had sunk - whoops. On the plus side, all the extra water on the path kept my toes nice and cool! I only managed to take one photo of the flooding, but I hope this gives you an idea of it.

This evening, I went to my Wild Training outdoor group, meeting in Hervines Park in Amersham. The park was absolutely saturated, and it rained really heavily while we were there: it was only the "blitz spirit" that kept us all in good spirit. I'm not sure that Vibrams and shorts was the ideal choice of clothing, but - hey, that's the way I roll. Running (or, rather splashing) and Tabata with battle ropes were the main feature of the evening. So that was another, completely soaking, outing to finish the day off.

With some other rather time-consuming activities going on (about which more next week), there's been no time to write up my go-to smoothie recipe, so that will have to wait some more, sorry.