Janathon day 13: hello glutes, goodbye toes

How can it be that things are getting so busy this early in the year! Work is really hotting up at the moment, meaning some late nights are coming up. Janathon today has been alright, though.

First, I managed another set of 20 press-ups (not wanting to lose the momentum started on the last few days of not running). I'm feeling a bit stronger on this front, which is pleasing. Then in the evening I went out for a fantastically cold and wet session with Wild Training. I avoided doing running, going for lunges and squats instead (hello, glutes, nice to know you're still there). Battle ropes might also have featured... All in a Tabata stylee.

With hindsight, Vibrams might not have been the ideal footwear for a non-running outdoor icy-cold wet session, though - I couldn't feel my toes at all by the end!