Janathon day 21: Wild Training, plus a bit

Today has been characteristically busy. Despite this, though, this evening I was booked onto our Wild Training class at 7:30. We're still doing lots of Tabata training, and since I'm not running, I found myself doing walking lunges with a 12Kg Bulgarian Bag thrown over my shoulders in the Tabata style. My glutes are now rather on fire! Come to think of it, the session was actually pretty tough, ending with "punch planks" - holding a plank with one arm, and punching said Bulgarian Bag with the other elbow - again in a Tabata style.

What with train/walking rather than driving to work, and walking to circuits, I've also managed to walk 15,000 steps today (nearly 7 miles), so that's all good too. And finally I managed to slip 50 press-ups in tonight, in caseI was in danger of not hurting too much tomorrow...