Juneathon day 4: the best-laid schemes...

Mice weren't to blame, but things didn't quite go as expected today.


For starters, it was pointed out to me, quite correctly, and indeed picked up by Cathy, that I had described my last Juneathon post as a Janathon one ... and that I therefore had to perform the forfeit of 20 press-ups. Well, the office was empty so I leapt down to comply, and in the process completed what proved to be the first half of my Juneathon activity for today!

My main planned activity was, unfortunately, scuppered due to some complicated logistics. With Mrs H still away, and a school meeting this evening, I had babysitters lined up who would have covered a quick post-meeting run. However, arrangements fell apart, and at the last minute my good friend Holger stepped in to recover the situation, but the run just wasn't possible. (Well, I did end up running to the school and back, but it wasn't quite what I meant!)

On the other hand, my general aim of boosting time on my feet, partly motivated by continuing use of my FitBit, worked well today. What with walking to/from the station, office, lunch, school and other destinations, I have accrued more than 6 miles. So that's something! Tomorrow, though, I'm hoping that things will work out a bit more like what I aimed for today.