Juneathon day 7: parenthood!

With the best will in the world, I wasn't quite sure what I was going to be able to manage for Saturday. Picture the scene: me, home alone with three kids; various kid events in the diary requiring taxi-ing, and no adults anywhere near. I had a vague hope that a teenager might be able to babysit for a short while, but this didn't turn out to be possible. However, events overtook me as it quickly became clear that things were not going to go to plan...

My 10yo came through to my room in the morning, limping and carrying her arm, saying she'd fallen down the stairs from her bunk bed. Not a good start to the day! I wasn't too worried about the leg, but the arm was obviously hurting her a lot, to the extent that it was interfering with her eating breakfast... So later on, once our oldest had gone to a scout event, and with the arm now in a sling, I thought I ought to take her to A&E to check it out. I'm particularly anxious about arms, as when I was her age I did something similar (school, paving, football boots - fill in the gap!) which was left for a week before going to hospital and ended up getting a bit complicated.

So we spent most of the afternoon at A&E, finishing with the good news that it wasn't broken, and being just in time to pick up aforementioned child from scouts... For whatever reason, about an hour later after I'd given the kids tea, I was feeling really rough, and barely managed to get our littlest to bed before having to lie down a lot.

High point of the evening: having aforementioned 10yo come and get me to tell me she'd tidied up and swept downstairs while I was knocked out, all on her own initiative. What a sweetie!

So what shall I claim as my Juneathon activity? I did quite a few arm raises in the morning - single-arm, weighted, with a certain amount of balancing required to keep the weight material inside the vessel...