Juneathon day 18-27: life's rich tapestry

Jog, log and blog. Well, I've mostly managed two of these, at least... I'm rather behind on the blogging, though, as basically I've been really busy with loads of other things, especially at work. All part of the rich tapestry of life though, so I'm not complaining!

To get back on track, then, here's a brief summary of what I've been up to:

Running near Chalfont St Peter
18th June

A lusciously long (for me) 7.3 mile run round Chalfont St Peter, Seer Green and Chalfont St Giles while the kids had their piano lesson. (In the picture alongside, you can see how incredibly overgrown the path was that I ran down: this has become a bit of a feature recently here)

19th June

Wild Training followed by an hour with Mrs H's YogaByEllie class (sweet!)

20th June

pairs PT session with Holger, and a lunchtime walk

21st June

A "day of rest", but where I managed to still get some decent walking in, covering about 6 miles in total

22nd June

very hilly bike ride, covering 13.7 miles in slightly over an hour, but with at least 3 decent hills on the way

23rd June

A rather different kind of circuit at Wild Training, including an especially fun tug of war...

24th June

A nice lunchtime walk and an evening yoga session

25th June

After late work allowed me only a few hours of sleep - an obligatory day of rest...

26th June

A work meeting in Gloucester didn't allow any time for exercise, and neither did orchestra in the evening

27th June

Pairs PT, followed by ... nothing, as the last few days came home to roost, leaving me exhausted. I even had my running gear packed for a lunchtime outing, but just couldn't face it. Nice drinks in the evening with some of the other Wild Training folks, though. The Pomeroy in Amersham is a good place to spend the evening!

So, that's it until the end of yesterday. Now just to write up Saturday...