Janathon day 2: open exercise sandwich!

I had planned for today to be an "exercise sandwich".

The base piece of bread was this morning's pretty intensive hour of personal training with my good friend Holger and our trainer Darrell; today's session concentrated on strength, involving plenty (too much, some may say) of squatting, bench presses and so on. A mighty fine session, to be sure! I notice that Holger described the workout in his post, and did a much better job than I expect I would, so I will let you look over there if you're really interested!

Pairs PT session

The filling for the sandwich was a return to work - there's plenty going on at the moment, which has kept the Christmas break pretty eventful, and today was no exception. As it turns out, there's going to be a small amount of work travel next week, which will require some careful Janathon planning, although the hotel we stayed at last time in Gloucester had a gym, which will be handy!

Then, after some "spread" of child taxi service, the top layer of bread was to be a run this evening. However, the realities of household management (read: bills!) haven't left much time, and now it is 12 minutes to midnight. So - no top layer of bread, leaving an open exercise sandwich!

Incidentally, the sandwich metaphor isn't very appropriate for me at the moment: I am currently around the end of week 2 of a so-called "low-carb, high-fat" approach to diet, making any kind of sandwich out of the question! I'll write more on this subject when I have more than 7 minutes to complete the blog post.

Anyway, in summary: Janathon day 2, lots of weights, and achy glutes... That run will have to happen tomorrow morning, then. See you there!