Janathon day 9: morning training session

This evening, our three children each had different events going on. As one of them involved packing and leaving on a winter camp, there was never going to be a lot of time for exercise between taxi and other parental duties!

Lucky, then, that I have a regular Friday morning slot with Holger, having an hour's shared PT session with Darrell. This morning we did weights: lots of weights. We were initially working on a particular protocol: 5 sets of 5 reps, with the biggest weight we could manage. I managed 50Kg for bench press and 80Kg for deadlifts (PB! Yay!)

We rounded off with biceps and triceps on another protocol: 30 / 12 / 10 / 8 / 6 reps, aiming for failure on the last one. All I will say is one word: ouch!

I've also walked a lot today, hitting just over 13,000 steps.