Janathon day 13: Amersham yogathlon!

Glorious morning walking to work, beautiful day ... then lunchtime brought thick, dark clouds and nasty cold rain. With work pressing in on me too, I had to give my idea of a lunchtime run a miss. Shame!

Luckily, there was a space for me in Mrs H's YogaByEllie class this evening, so I had a thoroughly enjoyable hour of flow yoga instead. Holger was there too, as luck should have it. Mrs H has had an exciting time recently: she's about to finish her 500-hour BWY training, and will in February start to offer a new class in central Amersham on Wednesday evenings, round the corner from the "Better" gym. Exciting times!

Also, I did at least manage to hit 10,000 steps today, according to my FitBit. Enough of this, though: I'm now shattered and need sleep. See you all tomorrow!