Janathon day 18: it took a computer to recognise my dilemma!

Or, more accurately, it took Google Play Music All Access, which I find myself listening to more and more these days. It has been day 2 of our penultimate "yoga weekend", with Mrs H out since late morning on her course, and a rather full day for me and the kids in her absence. This meant that basically every minute had been accounted for, pretty well from waking up to this minute! We had made it through hockey tournaments in Stowe, and orchestra practice in Amersham; practice and homework were (mostly) done, dinner cooked, eaten and washed up; and food order placed. But there were a few emergency items still to collect, hence the emergency shopping trip, and me starting this blog post as I walk back from Tesco!

Just to get Janathon contribution for the day out of the way: today basically comprised a second set of "emergency press-ups" (25 of them), plus this brisk if rather short round-trip walk to Tesco.

On the way there, though, I thought I'd pick some nice music to listen to, and this is where Google Play Music featured. These days, there's a rather nice "listen now" feature, which suggests different kinds of playlists based on what time it is, what you might be up to etc. I use it increasingly at work, since it has some incredibly non-distracting playlists of word-free music that let me focus on work without having my attention drawn to noises around me. On the way there, it can also usually come up with something suitably in-yer-face or uplifting to get me going. I'd recommend having a play with it if you have an Android phone.

So, finally, on to this evening. On the way to the shop, I had a look to see what was being suggested for that kind of time. The first two playlist options it showed pretty well summarised my competing states of mind at this point!

Both of the first two options seem highly relevant!