Janathon day 23: shattered

The week has caught up with me: I'm completely exhausted.

I was supposed to have done my regular Friday morning PT, and was up in time, but was very sorry to hear that our trainer was sick in the night (food poisoning, it seems), so the session was off. However, this did give me a few extra minutes in bed, so I'm not going to complain! I was also pondering the idea of a run this evening, but a rather achy knee combined with everything else to put me off. Instead, I did manage a bit of a TRX workout in our shed, albeit sandwiched between "kid taxi" service, always worst on a Friday night. And also, I did a bit of extra walking so have hit around the 10,000 step mark, heading just under 5 miles...

So now I'm typing in bed, then will press "publish" and go to sleep! Night, all!