Janathon '16 day 9: run (and Strava fail)

With a family gathering today, there wasn't all that much chance to get out and exercise. Thankfully, I did manage to get out for a late morning run - about 3.6 miles ish around Amersham. Unfortunately, Strava had a bit of a strop in the middle, so I can't be sure about the pace and distance unless I actually measure it out somehow...

The family gathering has been fun; my brother and sister-in-law have a son called Oliver, who is little and great fun! And our kids are really enjoying having cousins, and us a nephew! We have a new niece too, who we will be seeing soon as well...

Anyway, at the end of the day we popped out for a walk around town, which brought the daily step count up to something fairly respectable, so all good!