Janathon '16 day 17/18: oh, the glamour

Sunday was a catastrophic fail. We were out a fair chunk of the day, and I wanted to get an early night to get my mood and eating back on top. So "rest day" it was - but the night certainly wasn't! Our burglar alarm took the opportunity to develop a fault and go off 5 times between 4 and 6 - not quite what I had been hoping for! (Or our neighbours, I'm guessing...)

Given the ropy start to Monday, by contrast, the day went pretty well. While work is continuing to be busy, ruling out Metafit at lunch, I did just manage to get out for a 3.2 mile run round Amersham, followed by an emergency late-night raid of Tesco for breakfast. As you can see from my dodgy selfie - oh the glamour!
