Janathon '16 day 19: mixing it

Annoyingly, I seem to have developed some heel pain on my left foot. I'm not sure if it is just a bruise or something more serious, but it does rather limit my running options. However two of my other regular activities seem unaffected, and I managed both of them today. Yay!

At lunch I snuck out for a Metafit session at Bodycoach in Rickmansworth, which was about as hard as expected, and good fun. I followed it as usual with a bit of mostly upper-body weights action - bicep/tricep, flys etc. All good!

Then in the evening I managed an hour's yoga, which felt really good. My yoga sessions are arguably the main - if not only - time I get when there isn't "stuff" flying round my mind. Also, before I did yoga, I was never able to touch my toes, and my balance is definitely improving too. So another win!

I walked over 12,000 steps during the day too, and the alarm didn't go off last night, so I have high hopes for a wide-awake Wednesday...
