Janathon '16 day 21: Metafit, and ...

A lunch outing saw me slink off again to Bodycoach for a quick Metafit session. It was pretty tough today! Each set was as follows:

So we did three rounds of that, each time picking 4 different exercises. Finally, we did all 12 exercises on the trot, with only a short break. It isn't for no reason that it's known as "The Finisher"... While I may have got some of those timings off slightly, I'm sure you got the gist of it!

After that, I again did some various upper-body exercises in an attempt to build muscle and fight off my appetite - it is curious to observe that I get much more of an urge to eat bad food when I haven't exercised for a few days. I don't know quite the mechanism, but the exercise definitely helps me stay on the straight and narrow.

So, that was the main chunk of it. I managed about 12,500 steps during the day overall, so overall it was a good day. Come on heel, now it is time for you to play ball too!