Janathon '16 day 24: rather over-the-top

My cycling club, the ARCC, has outings on Sunday mornings. I don't manage many of them due to family commitments - rides knock out half the day, typically, and that's quite a big "ask" for Mrs H. However I do go out periodically, and with dry weather forecast, this was my day.

ARCC group photo
ARCC group photo

I chose well, as it turned out! We had a lovely ride, going about 39 miles through the beautiful Chilterns. The weather turned out better than forecast; there was actual, bona fide SUN out there, and we even saw some snowdrops in the grounds of Waddesdon Manor, which can be seen behind us in this group photo.

About 4 or 5 miles from the end, a team member suggested getting a little "train" going (I don't think that's the right word), with a few of us breaking off, draughting very close and taking turns at the front. This was hard but very fun; Strava says we averaged 22.3 mph for a particular 4.3 mile stretch, which is probably the best I've done to date.

By the time I was home, I was a bit shattered, but had to avoid collapsing in a heap as that would be unfair, with Mrs H stuck in the house all morning. Then she suggested a little run, and who was I to turn her down?! So we had a second outing of 3.6 miles round Amersham, which really did just about finish me off. By the time we stopped off in Harris+Hoole on the way back, I was feeling distinctly sub-par. The thing is, Mrs H has been running pretty regularly recently, so her pace has been creeping up, so I really did struggle. All good though!

So that was Sunday. Monday is going to be a struggle, I suspect...