Janathon '16 day 27: pairs PT and yoga (and ow)

Today started with a pretty strong weights session in my pairs PT that is usually on a Friday. The only problem was that while chest-pressing some 17Kg dumbbells, my left arm/shoulder failed in a way that was a) a bit painful and b) ended up with the weight whacking my hip. Annoying - owwww!

This evening I fitted in a YogaByEllie class, which I enjoyed. The shoulder is  holding up, albeit feeling just a bit funny. Ho hum.

We've been thinking about training goals for the year today. I realise I'm keen to make a proper stab at an Olympic distance triathlon, so need to get my ideas together about training pretty soon. I'm a bit behind on swimming, so need to tackle that soon...

Anyway, that's all from me as I'm very tired! I hope everyone else has made it through the day in one piece...