Janathon '16 day 31: game over!

Last day, woo hoo! Janathon has actually been very helpful for me this year. I've really enjoyed following a number of my fellow Janathoners' blogs through the month, and have also done better on the exercise front than I would otherwise have done, of that I'm sure. In addition, though, it has kicked off the thought process of goal-setting, and I realise that this year I want to:

1) Try to get a half-decent time in an Olympic-distance triathlon
2) Do some more running events (with the spectacular Ridge Off-Roader I did a few years ago and another local one - the Chiltern Warrior, supporting the Chiltern Open-Air Museum - being possibilities I'm looking into)

FitBit historyThe last few days, I must admit, have been rather dismal. Again after hours working I had to resort to press-ups for Sunday - although, interestingly, I've never found it easier to bash out 25 press-ups than I do right now, which is obviously a win in itself! Looking back over the month, though, my FitBit (which did lose about half a day by running out of batteries, at one point) says I managed 344,000 steps over the month, so averaging over 10,000 each day. Given the demands of family and work, I'm pretty happy with that!

On the plus side, I did make it all the way through this time - reminding me of last year's Juneathon, which was knocked out mid-way by a completely unexpected and rather terrifying health scare in my family. Thankfully our worst fears were laid to rest, with everyone now in fine health. Phew!

I hope you've all had a good Janathon, and I look forward to catching up again soon!