Juneathon '18 day 10 - Amersham run

We were invited to a rather splendid barbecue today. I ate more than was probably good for me, and it was all delicious. The hosts and guests were all good company too, making it a very enjoyable day overall. sdr

After heaving ourselves into the car and getting home, Junethon was weighing heavily on my mind (or at least I think that was what it was). So out we headed for a little spin round Amersham, starting at our end (up the hill) and ending in the Old Town (down the hill). Once we'd done a couple of miles of running, we finished the circuit by walking back up through the countryside. It's very splendid round here, especially on such a beautiful evening! Recommended.

So, for today: 2 miles (running), and about 12,000 steps in total.