Juneathon '18 day 13 - early outing

I don't remember quite how the idea of a morning run came up, but I'm glad it did. After the kids were on their way to school, Ellie and I headed out for a quick run outing in the Old Town. It was pretty warm, and the second half was distinctly faster than the first; Ellie turned round to head back shortly before we reached the point I was aiming at, so I thought I'd just do the extra bit and then catch her up. Turns out that's easier said than done! So my first mile was at 9:34 pace, and the second was 7:35 (with a last 0.1 at 7:19). Hot work!

Then it was yoga again this evening, for another hour.

Work's also been a bit busy today, but hopefully it will all calm down a bit from here...