Juneathon '18 day 16 - mixed bag

Screenshot_20180616-231345Well, the exercise bit went alright, which is something. A quick weights session in the morning, ran down to the Old Town for some coffee and then took our 10yo out for a little bike ride. Nothing earth-shattering, but just about hit the spot. The picture is of the weights breakdown.

Unfortunately the rest of the day hasn't gone so well, to put it mildly. A diary clash meant that my orchestra concert was on the same evening that my oldest had his school prom. With rehearsals all afternoon and a concert at night, the day has been extremely fraught and rather unsatisfying. It's now gone 11pm and I haven't actually eaten since breakfast, so I'm thinking I might as well go for a 24 hour fast, as that's something I've never done.

(The concert was actually a bit of a workout, of another kind: Humperdinck's Hansel und Gretel overture, Rachmaninoff 3rd piano concerto and Dvorak's New World symphony. There was a lot of blowing, but however hard it was for me was as nothing compared to Viv McLean's job - the most extraordinarily talented pianist I have come across.)

I hope tomorrow goes a bit better.