Juneathon '18 day 22 - windows 95!

cofToday has been splendid. I've walked a fair old way (just over 14,000 steps right now), partly because I managed to work somewhere a decent walking distance from home, and had a quick lunch outing. Heading down, the sun was out, the sky was blue with just a spotting of clouds, and it looked extremely reminiscent of the old Windows 95 home screen!

This evening I went for a swim with the Chiltern Tri crowd. It was brilliant; for the third time, the subject that happened to be covered was exactly what I needed. The coach today was Bex Stubbings, and she did a fantastic job of getting us to try out different ideas for the mid-part of the stroke where you're pulling through. The best image for me was that of imagining dragging myself along using two ropes under the water. This really helped engage the back muscles rather than the shoulders, letting you get some proper power going.

The evening was topped off with some steak fried in butter and broccoli. Can't think of a better way to bring it to a conclusion ... apart from some sleep. Night!