Janathon '19 day 5: looking up

Today started pretty badly; nothing was really wrong, but I was feeling pretty low. First world problems really, though, as I am still healthy and have somewhere warm to live etc.

My training is being a bit disrupted by having to give my foot a chance to recover (not really sure what's up with it, but I'd like it to stop hurting please). I've also inconveniently managed to do something to my shoulder/back that's painful.

So, I wasn't really sure how today was going to turn out. Long story short, though: before going out this evening, I decided to give a quick half-hour weights session a shot.

As it turned out, this was a good call. My foot was unaffected by squatting, and if anything some bench presses seem to have made my back feel better.

The act of training has also really lifted my mood - thank goodness. I can't bear moping around feeling miserable for no obvious reason!