Janathon '20 day 1: sneaky parkrun

Happy new year, everyone. So - Janathon 2020.

After a surprisingly early night/good sleep, the idea of doing Ricky parkrun was pretty appealing. It was really very chilly, and I felt a bit under-dressed in comparison to some people there, e.g. the snowman on the right!

As it turned out, I wasn't the only one who had this idea: the run was pretty heaving. All good fun though! I managed a not-too-far-off-my-PB time of 25:37, which I was very happy with. A load of people then shot off to do a second parkrun over towards Watford, but that seemed a bit anti-social as I wouldn't have made it home until not long before lunch. Also, with my Janathon slacking pledge still in mind, I thought better of that daft idea and sidled off home.

There was more walking (we popped over to Cliveden to catch the end of the daylight before they closed), but on the vigorous exercise front that's about it. See you tomorrow!