Janathon '20 day 2: trying to keep up

Today's main activity was a run. My friend had been feeling a bit guilty about not doing Parkrun yesterday, so suggested a quick outing this morning. This seemed like an excellent idea when he suggested it, and so we agreed to meet up at 8:30 for a run round Amersham.

This morning it didn't seem like quite such a good idea, as my legs were still feeling a bit tired from yesterday! However, this is the strength of commitment: it was already agreed, so I felt I really ought to give it a shot. Therefore, donning some warm clothes against the cold, I set off to meet up with him.

We set off on a route we've done a few times beforRun round amershame. Two things fairly quickly became apparent:

  1. I had over-estimated the amount of warm clothing I was going to need, and...
  2. My friend was feeling rather stronger than I was!

And so it was that I chased him round Amersham for 3.72 miles, progressively stripping off hats and gloves as I went. Turns out he's a bit of a beast, and really pushed it at the end. Great!

Once we'd finished, all that was needed was to pop up to the coffee shop to get some more AeroPress filter papers, then head home, then head out again to pick up some dropped gloves. Day 2: tick!