Janathon '20 day 7: two runs and yoga - a bit too much!

With the benefit of hindsight, I've probably over-done it a bit today!

It all started at 6:40 this morning when my friend and I went out for a 4.25 mile run. (Actually it started a few hours before that - whenever I need to get up early, my body keeps thinking I've over-slept, and wakes me up every hour or so ... sigh). We're both a bit competitive, so did it at an 8:45 pace in the end, with another pretty aggressive sprint at the end. Yikes!

Then a normal day's work, somewhere involving a decent walk there and back. All good for the step count. Mid-afternoon, Mrs H calls and says that she'd fancy a quick run early evening, and perhaps I'd like to join her? I'm never going to turn something like that down. Both of us were a bit short of time / energy (she'd done some weight training earlier too) but we managed a steady 1.7 miles ish at more like 10:38 pace. Again, all grist to the mill! (Apparently my year-to-date running distance is 17 miles, which is more than expected).

Then, finally, on to my first yoga class of the year. Actually this was just what I needed. My head is just slightly all over the place, and that helped calm things down a bit.

So, anyway, that's my Tuesday. I hope everyone else has had a good day?