Janathon '20 day 10: circuits (and a car)

Today's physical activity - an hour of circuits - was all tied up by 7:30am. It was warm enough (certainly by the end!) and a good crowd was involved, so all told it was a fun session. It would have been even better if I'd actually managed to get in to bed at 10:30pm as intended, rather than more like gone 11:30pm (busy day). But again I did manage to only wake once before getting up at 6, so it could have been a lot worse.

My oldest (who is now 18) is soon to do his driving test, and the question of wheels has been coming up a lot recently. Today I went to pick up a car that my oldest friend's mum no longer wants, and very generously steered in our direction. It is going to be the perfect first car for him: it is old, and has been nicely "christened" as regards bodywork and solid objects. These take a lot of stress out of car ownership!

In return, my friend's mum requested we make a chunky donation to charity. With family links on their side as well as ours, I'm thinking the donation will be split between the MS Trust and a Parkinsons charity. I hope the money contributes to progress on both of these terrible afflictions!

Anyway, tonight I'm not going to be making the same mistake as yesterday, as I have Parkrun tomorrow morning; I'm now bed-ward bound. Night all!