Janathon '20 day 13: circuits and lifting stuff

Monday equals circuits, at 6:30am. Today was what's known as "Challenge Week". The good news: it is only half an hour. The bad news: the format is AMRAP (as many reps a possible) over that half-hour. Each round of the circuits was:

I don't actually know how many times round the circuit I managed, but it was about 6-7 I think (I was 5 reps short of going onto the next one, but the sit-ups finished me off). Actually it was quite fun, and turned out to be quite a good antidote to the cold morning.

I was going to run this evening, but the weather is pretty miserable. So instead I did a quick weights session - squats (max 10 reps of 77.5Kg), bench press (max 6 reps at 50Kg), bent-over row (12 at 40Kg) and then some chin-ups (barely worth counting, really hard!) to finish.

Now I feel like I've been bounced off the bumps, as it were. Early to bed, though, as I'm running tomorrow morning instead.

My last meditation "X effect" is now complete, which is looking better than the last. Over the last 49 days I managed to meditate on 40 of them. Tomorrow I start a new one, perhaps that will be better again!