Humidity and shopping

I have just ordered a dehumidifier. Our house was built around 1930, at a point where cavity walls weren’t considered worth the effort. As a result, and now that the weather is so cold, the building is cold and damp. The direction of motion has been pretty clear too - showers, cooking, laundry, breathing … it all adds to the moisture levels in the house.

Some people can go from “I need to buy an XYZ” to placing an order within a few minutes. I’m not one of them: instead, I run the risk of getting seriously lost in comparative shopping, weighing up the pros and cons of the different options. This time, I did my best to be decisive, but it still took at least an hour - plus the time I built up during previous attempts.

The delay itself doesn’t really help. On previous shopping attempts there were options available to me that, now, are sold out. I’m assuming I’m not the first person to have this idea. Anyway, I ended up with a machine that claims to be able to extract 20L per day (but that’s in ideal circumstances) and, more importantly, has a bigger-than-average tank. Oh, and “laundry mode” - which is a relief, because I’m not sure our bank manager is going to look gladly on our continuing use of the tumble drier given where electricity cost now stands.

Honestly I don’t really know whether I chose well or not, but I’m hoping that cranking this thing up in the middle of the house is going to help quite a lot with dampness, and if it does then I’ll be happy.

Photo by Damien Raymond on Unsplash