Change of plans

Only a short post today, due to a change of plans. At work I received one of those “good news / bad news” messages. The bad news was that: a problem came up at work today that means something needs to be done tomorrow; the person who would have done it is on holiday; and my name is next on the rota. The good news, though, is that doing this thing fulfils my rota responsibility and next week it will be someone else rather than me in the hot seat. Nice!

I had been planning to do some early training tomorrow, and I still am even though this work activity needs to be tied up first thing. So I’m looking at a very early start, and am keeping my fingers crossed that it goes smoothly so I’m done in time…

In other news, I’ve done flute in the morning a couple of times this week, and it’s worked pretty well. I’ll be trying to do this more often!

Anyway, that’s it for today. See you tomorrow.

Photo by Milad Fakurian on Unsplash