In between

Today has been a rather in-between kind of day. After feeling a bit better last night, I woke up feeling not so great this morning, so lost a chunk of day that way. It’s also been really miserable, cold and wet, which has put a literal damper on things.

It’s a difficult time whichever way you look at it, as we are in the limbo between learning of our son’s friend’s tragic and untimely death, and the likely date of his funeral next week. We are all feeling pretty shattered, and I can’t even imagine how his family are feeling.

There’s not much I can add that isn’t rather morbid, so I think I’ll leave things here and get to sleep in the hope that tomorrow feels more positive. Rumour has it that we will be in double-digit temperatures for a while, and that’s something to look forward to…

Photo by Yaopey Yong on Unsplash