Last work day

Today was my last day at work this year (apart from a bit of twiddling with admin etc). Not my finest day - I am continuing to feel a bit poorly, and this didn’t help. Nevertheless I did manage to round a few things off. So obviously it’s a great time to head home, have a nice early night and prepare for the holidays.

We all know there are some challenges and obstacles to overcome over the next few days (and months and years), and I think maybe there’s a concerted effort not to be overcome by the tragedy that is unfolding around us.

So instead Ellie and I watched some of the new US version of Ghosts (which is very good), and had a pretty chill time with kids / partners hanging out. Then I seemed to get distracted by some things and cook some food and next thing I know it’s suddenly midnight and I’m watching Gravity. Whoops.

On the plus side, at least I’m not planning an early training session tomorrow…

Photo by Tigran Kharatyan on Unsplash