
I’ve had a pretty good stint thus far on blogging daily. Writing a blog entry is on its way to becoming a daily habit, so now I think some thought is required to figure out what it actually is I’m trying to achieve.

First, this kind of public blogging isn’t the same as keeping a private daily journal or diary. Knowing that what you write is potentially discoverable by anybody definitely has the effect of filtering the subject matter. So while there is an overlap, it doesn’t fully cover that role.

It also varies from the kind of learning log I keep at work - that one is chock-full of proprietary secrets etc, again which isn’t suitable for a public audience. A learning log (or mine, at least) frequently contains notes on the blind avenues I stumble up while trying to get somewhere, whereas this kind of writing is better suited to mapping out an efficient route to the destination.

Blogging has been useful from an accountability view - it’s something done in public, even if nobody actually reads it. That’s been a definite up-side. Technically, though, this site has no feedback mechanism, so writing here is a bit like standing up in the middle of a (perhaps empty) room, saying something and sitting down again.

I need to think about where to go next. The discipline has been good, but I feel I need to be clearer on direction, and perhaps also set up some technical stuff to allow it to be more interactive. Feedback welcome via the fediverse!

Photo by Kenny Eliason on Unsplash