
Boxing Day morning was a leisurely affair, after a busy Christmas. The weather was beautiful so after some breakfast we popped down to Amersham Old Town for a short run. Beautiful, but did I mention it was cold?

In the afternoon we went into London to catch up with my brother and his family, my parents and his in-laws. They had lots of food left over from Christmas lunch too, so we grazed off that and drank more than expected champagne, while generally not achieving much of note.

The journey there and back on the train wasn’t great, perhaps because of strikes or maybe just because it is Boxing Day. We weren’t back until late, so that’s mostly it for now.

I did manage to get some decent-ish sleep last night, run in the morning and eat reasonably well. So that’s a good first step to bringing the general shape of life back under control…

Photo by hao wang on Unsplash