Getting back

I’m trying to get my daily pattern back on track, with a certain amount of success. This has been day two of not eating badly, and I usually find that’s around the point where it starts to get a bit easier. I do hope so. While I didn’t get quite as much sleep as I would have liked, it wasn’t catastrophic either, and I can tell tonight will be better (as it is still the right side of 10pm rather than the wrong side of 11).

Another recent first was a visit to the gym. I’ve generally been keeping up with my bootcamp morning sessions, at least until the snow a few weeks ago, but hadn’t been to the gym for a good couple of months - definitely before starting this blog in November. So I have to say that I did enjoy getting in there for an hour’s exercise - rowing, squats, lat pulldowns, overhead presses and dumbbell bench press. Whenever I do training like that, I am reminded how much better it makes me feel. This has to go on my “daily routines” list.

Finally, I’ve made some more good progress on my blog search capability - see the search link in the menu above. It actually works: you type some words, press the button and it shows matching pages complete with an extract showing the matching text. It’s all rather automated, too: when I add a page, the index gets rebuilt and deployed to the server ready to respond to searches with the new content. I’ll describe how I did it in case anyone else wants to try something similar.

The main things left for today are a bit of meditation. Question: Headspace or Insight Timer?

Photo by Eduardo Cano Photo Co. on Unsplash