Final day (janathon day 2)

Today has been my last day of holiday before returning to work. This is neither good nor bad, really - I’ve enjoyed the holiday, and I’m looking forward to work too, so no complaints from this end.

The day started with meeting a friend for coffee in the morning - it was good to catch up. The time was set to come before circuits, where I had my fingers crossed a space would come up. While talking, the trainer who runs circuits happened to pop in, and said I could definitely come along which was rather handy and well-timed. So after coffee I had an hour of kettlebells in a field with sixteen other equally enthusiastic types…

Some errands followed - picking up a parcel (which wasn’t ready to collect) and then doing a quick food shop and clearing the house of Christmas decorations.

Shortly after that, a second gap opened up in the timetable allowing a quick gym visit. I’m still off running, but the rowing machine was calling my name so I answered the call with a 1km stint and then some weights.

All that’s left now is some flute practice and an early night, ready for tomorrow. (And perhaps reading up a bit more on Netlify edge functions - I wonder if they could be used to add comments to this blog?)

Janathon entry: an hour of kettlebell circuits, 1km on the rowing machine and some assorted weights.

Photo by Lowes Takes Photos on Unsplash