Odd day (janathon day 7)

Today is a good example of why it’s important to get to bed on time.

So last night I ended up getting to bed at about 2am, which is much too late. I was booked on to my outdoor bootcamp at 9am, so set an alarm for soon after 8 - that would have given me about six hours which would be approaching survivable. But something must have gone wrong when setting alarms, as the first one went off around 7am. Whoops, I’ve done it again.

So I’ve been struggling through the day on substantially insufficient levels of sleep. I did make it through training, albeit with the kettlebell scaled back to 16kg. And I’ve also worked through a few errands. I managed to find somewhere to balance the wheels of our car with vibrating steering - but it hasn’t fully sorted the problem, so I’ll be back again soon to the garage. I also hung a mirror and bought some stuff to re-seal round the edge of the bath.

Anyway, we’re off to the spa shortly so that should be relaxing, and then I really must must must get to bed on time tonight. rolls eyes

Janathon entry: an hour of kettlebell circuits

Photo by Jr Korpa on Unsplash